Edibles for Sleep and What You Need to Know
Have you ever gone straight to sleep after eating a delicious, cannabis-infused edible? Wow. It’s quite possibly the best sleep you’ll ever experience, and we don’t say that lightly. Let’s explain why so many are turning to edibles to get their zzz’s.

Edibles’ effects last 6-8 hours
First of all, the effects you feel from edibles last a really long time, approximately 6-8 hours! This is because your body has to digest it before the cannabinoids are activated, and as you go through the digestive process, you’ll continue to feel the effects as the cannabinoids work alongside your body. Edibles are an amazing tool for sleep because of this; they will continue to break down and fully absorb in your bloodstream throughout the night, flooding you with a continuous stream of cannabinoid goodness.
Remember, it takes awhile for edibles to kick in. Have you ever consumed an edible and out of nowhere it hits you, maybe even an hour or two later? Yup. That’s because, like we mentioned above, your body needs to digest it before you feel the full effects. It can be a little startling if you’re not expecting it, but absolutely perfect for sleep and for those who require long-lasting effects.
Can edibles make you sleep?
Absolutely! It’s perfect for sleep and for those who require long-lasting effects.
Plan to eat your edible at least 30 minutes before going to sleep, some people require up to two hours before it’s fully absorbed and feeling the full effects. You’ll want to go to sleep once you feel it kick in to avoid wasting the cannabinoids on areas of concern, thus preventing your body from using them to improve sleep. The awesome thing about cannabis is you can use it for virtually any situation, it just depends on how you force your body to move and work. If you want to just sit on the couch all day long, you’ll do it. It’s not cannabis forcing you to do that. If you want to sleep, you’ll do it. Your body is very smart, it knows what to do if you give it the right environment - even after consuming cannabis!
The chart below illustrates the differences in the general onset, peak and duration of the cannabinoids (THC, CBN) versus the functional ingredients (melatonin, valerian root, l-theanine) in Pantry's Nite Bite edible for sleep. It is important to note that this chart can vary from person to person based on their body's metabolism.
THC and CBN- The Effect on Your Sleep
CBN has sedative effects and when combined with THC, its impact is amplified. CBN can also increase serenity and decrease anxiety. However, it does not have the same "high" effect that is caused by THC. This makes CBN an ideal cannabinoid to use at night when you want to relax and get a good night's sleep
We've talked a little bit about the entourage effect before. The entourage effect is the idea that cannabinoids, like THC and CBN, work better together instead of apart. The entourage effect is an idea that still needs to be explored, though preliminary research supports it. Dr. Ethan Russo is a former adult and pediatric neurologist, but now spends his time focusing on cannabis research. Dr. Russo is the author of "Taming THC", where he emphasizes THC and CBN for better sleep.
Pantry's Nite Bite contains both THC and CBN, so you can take advantage of the entourage effect and sleep well.
Don’t snack after your edible
We also suggest not eating anything else after consuming your cannabis-infused edible. We all know how good food tastes after consuming cannabis (thanks to THC’s effect on our brain), so just go to bed once you feel tired! Don’t get caught up in the temptation of late night snacking, because it’s really hard to stop - especially when cannabis’ tendency to heighten sensory perception makes food taste so good! You also might consider consuming your edible after a gentle wind down workout. Tiring your body and consuming cannabis right afterwards to reduce the inflammation is the double-whammy you need for a solid night of rest. Careful not to exercise too hard, you might yield the opposite effect and wind yourself up! Gentle, slow stretches and light cardio or strength is the route to go before bedtime.
Cannabis Edibles for Sleep
This study, talks about THC’s potential advantageous effect on sleep latency, aka how fast you fall asleep at night. “CBD may hold promise for REM sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness, while nabilone may reduce nightmares associated with PTSD and may improve sleep among patients with chronic pain,” reads the study. Nabilone is a synthetic drug that mimics THC. It’s typically prescribed for nausea when other treatments don’t work, but researchers are exploring it elsewhere too, like sleep!
You’ve no doubt heard about people consuming cannabis in many different methods. The effect of cannabis may vary depending on the dosage, time, and tolerance level. If you prefer the relaxed sensation and not feeling stoned, consuming an edible might be the best method for you. Our Nite Bite is edible for sleep that’s infused with melatonin, valerian root, and l-theanine. Each bite has 5mg of THC and 5mg of CBN to give you a restful night of sleep. Check out the edibles here.

Cannabis and REM sleep
There is research suggesting cannabis consumption reduces REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, though the results are still mixed. REM sleep is the phase where you dream, and according to experts, it’s very important for our brain’s development and health. Dreaming is thought to store our important memories and information we acquired that day, as well as discarding the memories that aren’t important to us.
THC & CBD’s effect on REM sleep
THC specifically is the cannabinoid thought responsible for suppressing REM sleep. It’s important to note these findings have not been consistently reproduced, we shouldn’t be quick to criticize THC for potentially suppressing REM sleep, since we don’t know that conclusively.
Regardless of THC’s possible effect on REM sleep, studies show CBD actually increases REM sleep, so you might consider a high-CBD product if you have any hesitations. This 2017 review shows high-dose CBD to increase REM sleep when consumed the same day, and a decrease in REM sleep occurred the day after administering mid-ranges doses of CBD.

CBN for sleep
Let’s talk more about cannabinol, also known as CBN. CBN has exploded in the cannabis world, and for great reason. CBN is aged THC, it’s what happens when THC oxidizes and decomposes. It sounds like CBN is almost an afterthought, what good is left of oxidized and decomposed THC? Actually, a lot! It’s still a cannabinoid, and therefore interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system to generate homeostasis and regulate our body. This study was conducted in 1975, supporting CBN and THC for sleep. Although older (sorry, Gen X), this study is still a foundational piece of research contributing to the need to learn more about cannabinoids, and specifically how they interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system.
Final thoughts on edibles for sleep
When consuming cannabis for sleep, start low and slow to see how you respond. Edibles are easy to microdose because they are usually able to be easily broken off and dosed, so don’t take too much if you don’t have to. Our dosage calculator can help you navigate finding the right amount of cannabis sleep edibles to take.
If you’re currently taking sleep aids, we highly recommend talking with your doctor before introducing cannabis into your routine. While harmful effects with cannabis are truly rare, most experts dare to say impossible, cannabis can interact with certain medications. You might also experience non-harmful (but definitely unpleasant) like paranoia or a racing heart, so chatting with your doctor is always the best course of action!
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