Does CBD Help with Anger? Solving Your Temper Issues

CBD has long been known to help with anxiety and depression. But what about anger issues? Turns out, CBD may be the answer you're looking for.

CBD oil for Anger Management

CBD for anger management is gaining a lot of traction in the health and wellness industry. Most people believe it can be an effective remedy for anger issues and there are several studies to back it up. Anger can result from several circumstances which can provoke outbursts and high-stress levels. Anger outbursts are rare and short-lived in most people. However, in some people, anger can become uncontrollable and lead to bad situations and health problems.

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a cannabis compound that is known for its numerous medical benefits. In a study conducted by scientists from Brazil on mice, CBD reduced anger and aggressiveness in mice serotonin receptors as well as the endocannabinoid system. Furthermore, CBD affects serotonin levels in the brain which helps to reduce anger. Numerous scientific and anecdotal studies demonstrate the positive effects of CBD on the mood-enhancing chemicals in our brain. CBD ignites the release of essential chemicals as well as maintains their balance in an entirely natural way.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Anger

The ECS, also known as the endocannabinoid system, is a bodily mechanism that regulates cannabinoids. The ECS directs neurotransmitters to the right brain sectors, allowing you to appropriately react to certain circumstances. The ECS also assists in metabolizing meals accurately so that the body absorbs sufficient nutrients. When the ECS doesn’t function properly, it results to rage.

Does CBD help with anger?

Individuals with anger management issues often look for the best methods to regulate their anger sustainably. Anger can lead to social and health problems if left untreated or unchecked. Most people believe that anger issues result from an imbalance of chemicals inside the brain. That’s where CBD for anger management comes into play. Those struggling with anger can use CBD as a great natural option.

CBD oil has scientific backing as a treatment for anxiety, depression, and stress, all of which have a connection to unpredictable changes in mood that lead to sudden episodes of anger. Recent research reveals that CBD has positively influenced the way the basolateral amygdala receptors process anxiety and fear. This refers to the receptors directly in control of the fight or flight phenomenon within the body. Furthermore, CBD oil encourages a positive mindset by stimulating receptors in the hippocampus, which is also the part of the brain in charge of emotions and releases soothing chemicals.

An individual who experiences extreme stress or serious pain can react with a lot of anger. Most people experiencing anger issues are usually prescribed antidepressants or other over-the-counter medications. CBD for anger management is a great natural alternative that is more effective than most over-the-counter medications. One of the primary causes of anger is an increase in anxiety. When an individual succeeds in controlling anxiety levels, they can successfully work on their anger issues.

CBD for Anger and Anxiety

Anxiety and anger have a close link. An individual with extreme anxiety may be likely to become quick-tempered.

A randomized controlled trial of 400 people, involving placebos and CBD oil medication had significant results. The participants who received CBD experienced low-stress levels more than the those who received placebos.

Another study on CBD for anger management involved participants who had to undergo stress while taking CBD. According to the study, participants who received CBD experienced lower stress levels and improved cognitive functioning. Those who received a placebo experienced higher alert levels.

In a similar study conducted in 2012 by scientists from Brazil, the researchers found that CBD has an “anxiolytic-like effect” which means it functions similarly to an anti-anxiety drug. Moreover, in the tests, CBD lessened anxiety levels in patients with preexisting social anxiety disorders.

While anxiety and anger are distinct feelings, studies show that they are highly linked. For Beginners, when you become angry or anxious, your body secretes hormones that result to fight or flight action.

Anxiety and anger even share similar immediate symptoms including fast heart rate, chest tightness, gastrointestinal issues, and more. Furthermore, many psychologists believe that anger is the root of anxiety and that individuals who are still to understand how to properly express feelings of anger may often experience extreme anxiety. By combating anxiety with CBD, you will be treating anger issues as well.

CBD for Stress and Anger

CBD for anger management doesn’t only work for anger but for other factors that cause anger such as stress and anxiety. Several studies show how CBD powerfully affects our stress levels. It also improves cognitive functioning which is another factor in anger.

Stress management plays a great role in getting anger management under control. CBD has been scientifically proven to effectively manage stress levels. CBD releases pleasure hormones in the body that boost mood and reduce anger. These hormones work effectively to induce feelings of calm. They also help in reducing stress and any underlying anxiety. CBD is also anti-inflammatory which means it can eliminate the effects of stress on our heart and arteries.

Apart from stress and anxiety, anger problems can also result from pain. Chronic pain sufferers build up irritability quickly. Regardless, if your anger results from pain, you can use CBD for relief.

CBD for anger management increases the level of a brain chemical known as anandamide (AEA), also called the body’s brain-produced THC. CBD prevents the flow of enzymes that break down AEA, resulting in easier pain management. Hemp oil can also increase anandamide levels and help with internal pain management.

Bottom line

Regardless of the source, anger management can be hard to handle. CBD metabolizes the body and provides long-lasting effects that promote anger management. For moments when you need to use CBD for anger management, tinctures are a quick way to get started. Keep in mind that anger management is the ability to control your anger, and not suppress it. Thus, you can use CBD to solve your temper issues.

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